Saturday, September 20, 2014

Also this month, we welcomed some new family members. Charlotte and Tim got married in a private ceremony of September 3rd.

Tim comes with a new stepbrother for the girls and a grandson for us. Peyton is quite the cutie.

John has been working diligently to finish the kitchen project. The last few weeks he has been patching the ceiling to cover where the wall and hood were located. It has involved a lot of spackling and sanding, spackling and sanding, and more spackling and sanding. The ceiling has now been primed and it looks awesome!

Monday, September 1, 2014

One of those other things was attending the Alabama-West Virginia game yesterday in Atlanta.

We had a great time and out team won!

We have been busy with some other things, but the kitchen work is still going on.

The final cabinet has been hung.

Electrical outlets and light switches have been installed.

The hole where the vent went through the ceiling has been patched.

We spent today scraping the popcorn off the ceiling.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Work on the kitchen continued this week. Hubby did the last bit of wall demolition. There was a cabinet in the corner of the dining room that backed up to the pantry in the kitchen. He got the last bit of it torn out Monday.

We put a section of cabinet to this location. 

Later in the week, he installed an electrical outlet over this cabinet and a switch for the light fixture over the table. The original switch was on the section of wall that was removed a month ago so it is nice to have light over the table again.

After installing the outlet, he patched the drywall. Next step is to hang the cabinet above this. Then all the pieces will be in place so I can start reorganizing. There are still lots of finishing touches to be done but it will be nice to have everything in its place.

Also this week, I got to keep Lyric and Coda for a few hours. They enjoyed dinner on the new window seat. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

On top of all the other things he does, Hubby has agreed to take on renovating our kitchen. I have been wanting to remove the wall between the kitchen and dining room for a long time. We are doing just a little bit at a time but things are really moving along. This is what the rooms originally looked like.

The first step was to remove the doorway -  picture taken June 23

Just doing that made a big difference - picture taken July 1.

Then we took some time off for the birth of our newest granddaughter, Harper, born July 3.

The next week, John removed the dining room side of the wall.

The weekend of the 19th, he built the window seat/storage for the kitchen.

It goes all the way across the kitchen which is a little over 11 feet. Besides all the storage, it will be a great place for a nap once we put cushions on it.

During the next week, we pulled down the upper cabinets and John removed the kitchen side of the wall. What a difference that made!

While Dad and the Scouts were camping July 25th, Lee, Lauren and Mac removed the flooring in the new cabinet location. Below the tile we found one layer of press-and-stick linoleum squares and what must have been the original flooring from the 60s.

Then we could move the cabinet and stove. 

By Sunday night, the stove was hooked up in its new location and the kitchen was back in service.

I am in love with the way it is turning out!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Football Season

One of the traditions we have is to provide the grandchildren with gameday apparel each year. This year I decided to make the girls' dresses. I hope to get a picture of all of them together at some point.

And yes, the goose got an outfit too.